Global Conservation Force is dedicated to saving wildlife from extinction through education, anti-poaching and conservation efforts.

In 2014, after years of watching the animals in his care breed far more slowly than they were being killed in the wild, Mike decided to take action. His lengthy zoo keeping career combined with an active, combat-sport-heavy lifestyle gave Mike the unique experience needed to fight on the front line of conservation. Mike traveled to South Africa and survived the intensive boot camp training required before finally becoming an anti-poaching ranger in the Greater Kruger Park. After several months of fighting poaching, Mike returned to America, and Global Conservation Force was founded. He continues to go back and fourth between the US and Africa working on direct impact wildlife conservation projects, local community support and anti poaching patrols.



Get involved, volunteer, join us in Africa

GCF approaches the solution to all these major issues in four pillars

1. Anti Poaching

  • K9s and K9 Conservation Efforts
  • Mounted Anti Poaching Efforts
  • Sponsored Ranger Training Programs
  • Sponsored Gear Programs
  • Technology development, application, and field trainings
  • Uniting anti poaching efforts and aiding in regional standardization

2. Veterinary, Rehab, Research, “True Conservation”

  • Supporting In-Situ Conservationists
  • Supporting Research Field Needs/that Compliment Protection Efforts
  • Supporting Veterinary Rehab Efforts
  • Supporting Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities with Training and Equipment
  • Sponsoring Wildlife GPS Collaring
  • Funding Emergency Wildlife Relocations
  • Funding and Aiding in Animal Population Relocations
  • Funding Camera Trapping Efforts

3. Education and Awareness

  • Community Based Conservation Education Programs
  • Long term educational programs, in Africa and Asia
  • International Classroom Days/Programs for Students World Wide
  • Initiating, Filming, and Participating in Wildlife Documentaries
  • Focused Projects working on Wildlife Product Demand Reduction
  • Specialist and Professional Education Engagement for Law Enforcement and the Public  

4. Counter Wildlife Trafficking

  • Intelligence driven operations
    • Local
    • Regional
    • International 
  • Actionable information provided to International Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Government Consulting and Liaison Work



African Rhino Conservation Collaboration (ARCC)
Amakhala Conservancy

Blake Moynes

Brave Wilderness
Chengeta Wildlife – Malian Ranger Force
Cape Leopard Trust

Care For Wild

Creative Conservation Alliance
David O’Connor, San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research – “Twiga Walinzi” Project (2015 – 2019)
Department of Forestry, Indonesia
Endangered Wildlife Trust
Dr. William Fowlds
Grant Fowlds
Kariega Game Reserve
Kariega Foundation
Kenya Wildlife Service
Kruger National Park – Specific Sectors

Lalibella Game Reserve
Loisaba Nature Conservancy
Manyoni Private Game Reserve
Namunyak Nature Conservancy
NBC 7 San Diego – Down to Earth with Dagmar – “The Extinction Crisis”

Nsefu Wildlife Conservation Foundation 

Outraged South African Citizens Against Rhino Poaching (OSCAP)
Painted Dog Research Trust
Phinda Private Game Reserve – dehorning and documentary partners, 2017
Project Rhino KZN
Rhino Task Team
Rocky Mountain Cat Conservancy
Sabi Sands – Kruger National Park – K9 Anti-Poaching Unit
Saiga Conservation Alliance
Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (2015 – 2017)

Scent Imprint Conservation Dogs

Snow Leopard Conservancy

Tango K9

TacTrac APU


Thornybush Game Reserve

Ujung Kulon National Park
U.S. Department of State
Vocational High School Three, Pandeglang
Wild Tomorrow Fund
Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA)
Zululand Rhino Orphanage
Zululand Conservation Trust


GCF Sponsorship Gear, Training, and Continued Support Given

African Rhino Conservation Collaboration
Balule Nature Reserve Anti-Poaching Unit

Bucklands Anti-Poaching Unit

Bela Bela Nature Reserve Anti-Poaching Unit
Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Unit
Blue Canyon Anti-Poaching Unit
Colin Patrick – Moholoholo Anti-Poaching Unit
Craig Spencer – Warden of Balule Nature Reserve & Black Mambas APU
Crocuta Anti-Poaching Unit
Flying for Rhino
Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage (FTTRO)
Hemmersbach Rhino Force
Kwandwe Private Game Reserve Anti-Poaching Unit and K9 Unit
Loisaba Conservancy K9 Anti-Poaching Unit
Manyoni Private Game Reserve – Anti-Poaching Unit
Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary – Namibia
Project THORN
Rare and Endangered Species Trust (REST) – Namibia
Reteti Elephant Sanctuary Kenya
Rian Alhers – Warden of York section in Balule

Sabi Sands Perimeter Fence Team
Selati Game Reserve Anti-Poaching Unit
Shamwari Game Reserve
South African Wildlife College – Ranger Training
Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS)

St lucia Anti-Poaching Units

TacTrac Anti-Poaching Unit
Thornybush Game Reserve Anti-Poaching Unit
Thula Thula Private Game Reserve – Operation Thula Thula (backup response to rhino orphanage attack)