Category Adopt A Ranger

15 May

Training Rangers in Kenya

May 15 2019, Kenya Today marked the end of the sponsored first aide and advanced tracking for the anti poaching rangers on the course. Calvin, Head GCF Anti Poaching Unit […]


24 Jul

World Ranger Day – July 31st 2018

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not” — Dr. Suess   A famous author once said, “Unless someone like you […]


24 Feb

GCF Sending Emergency Backup to the Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage After Recent Attack on Orphans and Rehab Staff.

Thula Thula is a reserve that is home to an orphanage within it. This orphanage was brutally attacked by poachers on February 20th leading to the death of two rhino […]


13 Feb

Adopt A Ranger

Become a Wildlife Guardian, Adopt a Ranger!  Thinking about contributing to a greater cause but don’t know where to start? Do you love wildlife and want to help them thrive […]