Tag counter poaching

14 Sep

World Rhino Day 2023 – Call To Action!

World Rhino Day is just around the corner, September 22nd, and there’s no better time to come together and take action to protect these magnificent creatures. Rhinos are facing a […]


4 Mar

Sponsored Training Courses For Rangers In Southern Africa January to February 2022

5 Global Conservation Force Anti-Poaching Instructors recently wrapped up a month of advanced training workshops in Southern Africa. 87 anti-poaching rangers, from 11 private and national parks, received sponsored training […]


16 Dec

Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for Rangers

Over the past two weeks, we have had instructors presenting sponsored Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for rangers in the Greater Kruger National Park and the […]


22 Sep

“Making A Ranger” Documentary – WATCH HERE

Between 2008 and 2018, more than 7,899 rhinos were poached in South Africa alone. In that same decade, more than 1,000 rangers were killed worldwide in the line of duty. […]