Tag ranger training

4 Feb

Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit Cross Training Day

The anti-poaching recruits got to learn about horse care, mounted patrols, participated in several drills to show the advantages of the horses, and put some time in helping to tidy […]


16 Dec

Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for Rangers

Over the past two weeks, we have had instructors presenting sponsored Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for rangers in the Greater Kruger National Park and the […]


25 Aug

Mounted Anti Poaching Units

What is a mounted anti-poaching unit?  An addition of horses to an anti-poaching team. Much like dogs have been brought into the poaching crisis for their specific skill set, horses […]


10 Feb

GCF Receives Grant from ‘The San Diego Foundation’

We would like to send a rhino-sized ‘Thank you!’ to the Wheatly Family Foundation Fund The Wheatly Family Foundation requested a grant from the San Diego Foundation for our wildlife […]