Tag rhino rangers

16 Dec

Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for Rangers

Over the past two weeks, we have had instructors presenting sponsored Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for rangers in the Greater Kruger National Park and the […]


7 Aug

August 2018 – Sponsored Combat Medical Courses for Anti-Poaching Rangers Working In The “Rhino War”

As part of Operation Rhino Shield, our main conservation effort, we have been busy providing multiple advanced training workshops, classes, and courses for rangers working hard to keep rhino safe. […]


23 Jan

Down to Earth with Dagmar – “The Extinction Crisis” – Rhino Conservation Documentary

Global Conservation Force and NBC’s Dagmar Midcap joined forces to film a rhino conservation documentary.     Follow Mike Veale, GCF Founder & President, as he takes Dagmar Midcap, of […]