Roxane Losey

Roxane Losey


Passionate about animals from a young age, Roxane spent her formative years in her native California surrounded by animals, most notably horses. While Roxane initially achieved a lifelong dream of becoming a jockey, her second career of being a zookeeper was no less fulfilling. Having worked at both the LA Zoo and Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Roxane became all too familiar with the challenges faced by both wild animals and their captive counterparts. Working to make improvements wherever necessary became a focus for Roxane’s passion.

At Disney, Roxane became an integral part of the team focused on managing Iron Overload Disorder, a serious condition that adversely affects the health of captive browsing rhinos. Perfecting the groundbreaking technique of large volume phlebotomy proved to be effective and Roxane continues to work tirelessly to share information on the technique and its successful results with other institutions. Increasing the positive impact she has had on the lives of captive rhinos, Roxane is currently co-investigator on an IRF funded research project to facilitate an iron panel test on browsing rhinos held in North America, to identify the extent of this disorder.

Extending her efforts beyond the animals in her immediate care, Roxane became involved with in situ conservation efforts. In 2009, she joined the team from the Elephant Population Management Program, which provided vasectomies to bull elephants as an alternative to lethal methods of population control. Working in Swaziland and South Africa the team was able to vasectomize eight elephants, as well as educate regional veterinarians on the technique.

Roxane has now taken on the project oversight of the our mounted anti poaching unit collaboration project with the ARCC of South Africa.