We are collaborating with Pangolino to bring 500 coloring workbooks and 600 stickers to primary and junior secondary schools in southeastern Nigeria! We will use these materials to celebrate World Pangolin Day on Feb 20 in three communities surrounding the Cross River National Park, a site reputed as one of the few remaining pangolin strongholds in Nigeria.
Nigeria continues to play a preeminent role in the global illegal pangolin trade and we hope that fostering community engagement in pangolin conservation will strengthen national and global efforts to curb pangolin trafficking.
This is one of many exciting projects we plan to implement in Cross River and we would appreciate your support. You can support by donating to our Nigerian pangolin conservation efforts by clicking the link below.
We appreciate the effort of Lauren Ayres, GCF Pangolin Conservation Projects Coordinator, Chelsea Ross, a GCF Conservation Officer, Charles Emogor, Pangolino Founder and Pangolin Field Researcher, Marine Montblanc and Bahdja Boudoua in bringing this 30 page coloring workbook to life.
Funding for the printing of the workbooks, stickers, and Pangolin Guardian shirts was made possible by GCF merchandise sales and general funds.
We are excited to share that you can also purchase a workbook for your family, friends, work colleagues or yourself! This special opportunity to host them for sale in our online store allows us to donate three for every workbook purchased. You read that right, Buy One, Donate Three!
CLICK HERE >>> To Purchase A Peter The Pangolin Workbook!
Click Here >>> To Donate Towards Our Pangolin Conservation & Protection Efforts