Tag anti poaching rangers

22 Jan

Community Connection through Pet Wellness

Last week, the GCF recruits were able to join an amazing collective effort to upgrade pet health in the local community. @williamfowlds brought his @medivet_uk guests out, who sponsored the […]


4 Mar

Sponsored Training Courses For Rangers In Southern Africa January to February 2022

5 Global Conservation Force Anti-Poaching Instructors recently wrapped up a month of advanced training workshops in Southern Africa. 87 anti-poaching rangers, from 11 private and national parks, received sponsored training […]


16 Dec

Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for Rangers

Over the past two weeks, we have had instructors presenting sponsored Trauma and Tactical Care Under Fire and Firearms Courses for rangers in the Greater Kruger National Park and the […]


25 Jul

World Ranger Day 2021

[spb_text_block animation=”none” animation_delay=”0″ simplified_controls=”yes” custom_css_percentage=”no” padding_vertical=”0″ padding_horizontal=”0″ margin_vertical=”0″ custom_css=”margin-top: 0px;margin-bottom: 0px;” border_size=”0″ border_styling_global=”default” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]   World Ranger Day takes place annually on July 31st.  This global event not […]


28 Jun

A New Generation Of Anti Poaching Rangers Have Hit The Ground Running!

Give the recruits a round of applause, they are now anti poaching rangers! After a grueling course they’ve taken their final exams and field assessments.  Each anti poaching ranger recruit […]


14 Jul

New Boots For The Anti Poaching Unit

The Anti Poaching Unit recently received their brand new sponsored Rogue patrol boots, for a total cost of 8,564 Rand, made possible with funds raised at last years Gala. And […]


10 Sep

World Rhino Events 2019

World Rhino Day – Craft Club – Monrovia Sept 20th 2019 7pm to 9pm Pacific Plate Brewery 1999 S Myrtle Ave, Monrovia, California 91016 Get crafty while drinking craft beer! […]


17 Oct

What does it take to run an Anti-Poaching Unit (APU)

Anti-Poaching Units (APU) hold the shield for wildlife around the world. Take a look at what it takes, and costs, to run a basic unit on the “frontline” This poster […]


3 Oct

Anti Poaching Work, Ranger Training, and Ranger Sponsorship In Kenya

GCF was on duty in Southern and Eastern Kenya, with our friends from the Ulinzi Africa Foundation, for elephant protection and anti poaching ranger support. We provided sponsored training programs […]


7 Aug

August 2018 – Sponsored Combat Medical Courses for Anti-Poaching Rangers Working In The “Rhino War”

As part of Operation Rhino Shield, our main conservation effort, we have been busy providing multiple advanced training workshops, classes, and courses for rangers working hard to keep rhino safe. […]