Reticulated Giraffe Conservation

The Twiga Walinzi Initiave 2018 Annual Report

The Twiga Walinzi Initiative has released their 2018 Annual Report.  The program conducts research and monitoring of reticulated giraffes in Kenya.  Global Conservation Force supports the project by providing the rangers with gear, technology, and training. With a 56% decline in population of the reticulated giraffe in the last 30 years, the need for conservation and research has never been more necessary.

Important highlights from 2018 include:

  • The IUCN listed the reticulated giraffe as “Endangered”
  • Sampling for population density and abundance
  • Installation of trail cameras to study giraffe habitat preference, movement patterns and occupancy
  • GPS tracking of 11 giraffe
  • Study of the impacts of livestock (cattle, camels, and goats) on giraffe movement

Read the report:  Twiga-Walinzi-Intiative_2018-Annual-Report