We would like to extend a rhino-sized thank you to the United Methodist Church of Vista, California for their continued support of the Wild Warriors conservation education program in Hanoi, Vietnam!
The $8,000 grant marks the third consecutive year of sponsorship by the United Methodist Church of Vista. Run in partnership with Wildhand, a Hanoi-based youth conservation organization, the 2022 program is expected to impact 5,000-13,000 students at 10 schools. After successful workshops in several elementary schools over the past few years, this year’s program will expand to include middle and high school students.
Through games, photo exhibitions, conservation centered presentations, the Wild Warriors program teaches students about Vietnam’s wildlife and ecosystems. The program aims to inspire students to be wildlife protectors through hands-on experiences as volunteers at Soc Son Wildlife Rescue Center in Hanoi.
Educational outreach in countries with high demand for wildlife products is one avenue Global Conservation Force takes to tackle demand, poaching, and trafficking issues. Fostering appreciation and concern for wildlife at a young age helps create future generations of wildlife guardians.