African Rhino Conservation Collaboration Receives A Large Donation From GCF

We are excited to announce another successful large donation for frontline rhino protection and conservation efforts! With funds raised from our 5th Annual Wildlife Benefit Dinner, we were able to send an additional 121,716 South African Rand ($7,300 USD) over to the African Rhino Conservation Collaboration, one of our core rhino conservation partners in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. The funds will go towards multiple anti poaching ranger salaries, rhino veterinary procedures, local community education programs, and joint reserve operation details that maintain a safety net for the entire regions rhino population.

The funds were raised during our live auction, where we auctioned two safari getaway packages to the Eastern Cape. A twofold win for rhino conservation and eco tourism by helping to keep the local lodges employed and booked with guests!

We would like to extend our gratitude to the two parties who bid and won the rhino conservation photo safari packages, Wilson Creek Winery for hosting our dinner, and Pacific Plate Brewery for sponsoring the beer.