Tag rhino protection

6 Feb

Meet Instructor Mike

I am the founder and CEO of Nomad International, a security consulting and government contracting service. Growing up, I felt a strong affinity to animals and envisioned working with them in some way as an adult. But life can take unexpected twists and turns, and I ended up in military service after the events of 9/11. In the US Army, I served in Special Forces as a Green Beret for 20 years. While exciting and rewarding in its own right, my career also provided the opportunity to travel in West Africa along the border regions of Niger, Burkina Faso, and Togo within the Parc “W” Nationale Parc. It was here that I was first introduced to the exotic animals I read about in my youth, while also offering insight to the challenges parks face in protecting wildlife and their habitats. During repeated trips to the Sahel, I also encountered the results of illegal poaching in Mali—elephants killed for their tusks. This experience was so upsetting, it shifted my personal focus toward conservation.


13 Sep

Black Rhino vs. White Rhino: Understanding Their Differences and Importance in Ecosystems

Black Rhino vs. White Rhino: Understanding Their Differences and Importance in Ecosystems


9 Sep

Rhinos as Umbrella Species: Protecting Entire Ecosystems

Rhinos are umbrella species, responsible for helping to protect entire ecosystems.


14 Sep

World Rhino Day 2023 – Call To Action!

World Rhino Day is just around the corner, September 22nd, and there’s no better time to come together and take action to protect these magnificent creatures. Rhinos are facing a […]


28 Jul

Supporting K9s in Conservation – Tango K9

World Ranger Day is on July 31st ‘A day dedicated to Rangers killed or injured in the line of duty and to celebrate the work Rangers do to protect the […]


12 May

Sponsored Gear For Rhino Protection & Conservation!

Your donations in action with the sponsorship of 4 tracker packs with hydration bladders, 4 military grade compasses, and 4 chest webbing patrol rigs! Want to support our ranger gear […]


16 Mar

Meet the Global Conservation Force Mounted Unit Horses!

Introducing Misty Dawn The Grande Dam of the unit. She is an 18-19 year old Warmblood mare. She is the herd boss and protector of “her herd.” She is every […]


10 Mar

Remote Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit (MAPU) Patrols

The full suite of Mounted Unit Operations is in full swing. Just in time for the uptick in rhino poaching cases. With the new GCF MAPU trailer finished and at […]


28 Feb

From Intern Horse Groom to Jr. Field Ranger

 Welcome to the Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit, Pro!   We are excited to formally announce our newest full time Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit (MAPU) Jr Field Ranger and Rider, Simakele Mlamla aka […]


4 Feb

Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit Cross Training Day

The anti-poaching recruits got to learn about horse care, mounted patrols, participated in several drills to show the advantages of the horses, and put some time in helping to tidy […]