Join GCF for the “Full Moon Patrol”

Join us, and hundreds of others, on Full Moon Patrol and transform a daily action into a firm habit before the year is out.

The campaign name and lunar theme come from the increase in rhino poaching activity when the moonlight is brighter – and is in part a symbolic show of support to the rhino Anti-Poaching Units (APU) whose lives follow the lunar calendar.

But Full Moon Patrol is much more than symbolic.

50% of your patrol registration fee is allocated to frontline Global Conservation Force’s anti-poaching and socio-economic initiatives. You will learn about these on your Full Moon Patrol and be directly connected with the specific initiatives your Impact Tree is supporting.

Meet The GCF Team Leaders

Mike Veale 

GCF’s own CEO and Founder, a wildlife conservation and protection expert, who works as a ranger and trains rangers in Africa and Asia.

Blake Moynes

A passionate wildlife conservation ambassador, and Bachelor TV show celebrity, who recently took the GCF annual anti-poaching ranger bootcamp in South Africa.

Mario Aldecoa

Wildlife biologist, Tv personality, filmmaker, and part of the GCF-Brave Wilderness “Saving The Horns” rhino conservation and protection campaign.

Click Here To Join The GCF Team

So what happens once you sign up?

Go on a journey behind the scenes of conservation and build a deep motivational foundation for your patrol through an online presentation by wildlife vet, rhino protector and conservation visionary, Dr William Fowlds. Keep up to date with where your sign up fee is used in future.