All 5 GCF Belgian Malinois pups, on the first shipment of two, have arrived safely in South Africa, and are in the hands of our core partners Kilo9 Kennels!
We have three more to send over, two male puppies that are currently training with Nick Meier K9, in Chicago, and Denali, our trained adult female. They’ll depart in just over a month after we arrange their paperwork.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our project sponsors and donors again! If you named a pup, enrolled in our “Adopt a K9 Ranger” program, or attended our Puppy Breakfast Fundraiser, you have made this whole project possible!
We’d also like to thank our in-kind partners Iron Oak Canyon Ranch, Wilson Creek Winery, Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital, and OneTigris for your support and assistance!
If you are just tuning into this project all of our 8 anti poaching unit K9s will be sponsored for anti poaching units in Africa. The dogs will help track and apprehend poachers, and detect gun oil, pangolin scales, rhino horn, and ivory.
If you would like to join our K9 Adoption Program just click the link…/campa…/k9-anti-poaching.
#antipoaching #malinois #rhino #elephants #pangolin #wildlifetrafficking#wildlifeprotection #conservation #southafrica #fightpoaching#fightextinction