Tag mounted anti poaching unit

12 Jan

2021 Mounted Anti Poaching Unit Operations Expansion

We are pleased to share that our core mounted anti poaching unit is expanding its range of details and coverage. GCF mounted anti-poaching unit rangers are currently cross training on […]


11 Oct

GLAZA Awards GCF Grant for Mounted Units

We are extremely grateful for the continued support from the Los Angeles Zoo and Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association (GLAZA). This year they supported our grant request for $5000 for […]


4 Aug

Sponsored Gear Delivered To One Of Our Mounted Anti-Poaching Unit Collaborations in KwaZulu-Natal

Another successful handoff of sponsored patrol gear for mounted anti-poaching rangers who protect rhinos! We are proud to collaborate with Ezemvelo KZN wildlife, Project Rhino, Project Rhino’s Mounted Unit, and […]


1 Jul

Emergency Response Funds – Rhino Conservation

In response to the Covid19 economic impacts we initiated an emergency response fund to aid our long time wildlife conservation and protection partners. This emergency fund has been made possible […]


10 Jul

GLAZA Awards GCF With Second Grant To Support Mounted Anti Poaching Unit

We are honored to receive our second grant from GLAZA in support of our mounted anti poaching unit. The Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association has awarded GCF a $2,000 grant. […]


2 Feb

Mounted Anti Poaching Unit Update – January 2019

Sitting in the dawn of my second week in Africa and it is easy for me to think I’ve not accomplished much since our horses are not yet in place. […]


1 Feb

Mounted Unit Update | December 2018 to January 2019

December 2018 Update December has been a relaxed month for the horses. With poaching threats high and a few festivities in between, the horses have been able to enjoy a […]


3 Oct

Making Progress With Our Mounted Anti Poaching Unit

We’ve seen great progress in our mounted anti poaching unit in recent months! Pictured below the team oversees a rhino veterinary procedure. This is a great step forward for training […]


5 Feb

Click here to watch the GCF / NBC – Down to Earth with Dagmar Documentary “The Extinction Crisis”

Watch “The Extinction Crisis” here!     For the GCF rhino conservationists, where the channel wasn’t available, we had this as a backup plan!   *Click the titles below to […]


10 Dec

Mounted Anti Poaching Unit Update – December

We are thrilled to announce the next developments in our Mounted Anti Poaching Unit collaboration project. With the support of donors, from World Rhino Day 2017, LA, and donors from […]